Here's my update! I took away the masks and triptych framing, allowing the background colors to blend together giving a softer transition both literally and metaphorically -- as babies transition through development very quickly and seamlessly. I also used one version of my hand-written haiku repeated in the background to make a (hopefully subtle) texture, and to emphasize the message. I feel that the message is important for viewers to consider. I understand some messages work better without "instructions" or precise direction and emphasis, though I thought it would be another design element that would nicely add-to the composition. I also added more to the blue and yellow backgrounds and added a new foot on the middle baby image with my Wacom tablet. For my next set of critique comments I'd like to know do you feel the texture pattern of the haiku works as-is, should I modify it, or should I get rid of it? Also, do you feel this composition works well without...